Company Info.

Company Name: Petersburg Capital Pte Ltd
Company Registration Number: 200001948D
Address: 2 Shenton Way, #17-03 SGX Centre, Singapore 068804
Telephone number: +65-6324-8263
Facsimile number: +65-6324-0220
e-mail address:
Paid-up-capital: S$150,000
Established: 8 March 2000
Petersburg Capital Pte Ltd is a limited exempt private company registered in Singapore under registration no. 200001948D. Its registered office address is at 24 Raffles Place, #07-02 Clifford Centre, Singapore 048621.

Petersburg Capital Pte Ltd is not in the business of providing financial advice or marketing or distributing or selling any financial products or services. Nothing on this website shall in any way be construed to constitute an invitation or an offer by Petersburg Capital Pte Ltd to render financial advice or to market, distribute or sell any financial products or services to any person.